
Goodbye For Now

Hello, I made this minecraft server mostly cause I was bored and I was a big HFJOne Nerd and I wanted a server for that, so I made moistverse. To the people that played thank you. I'm so sorry for using guilded and I know I should of used discord but I hate discord so I didn't. Now that Wikia deleted the wikii (I made a new one but are you sure you wanna use it there's nothing there) and just don't know what's left for me now. This server is a shell and I only get to play it with my friends once every couple of months and I just don't think anyone cares anymore. I may bring this back if I get at least 5 people to join the guilded but we know that will never happen before I stop caring. I'm sorry that this is my way of saying goodbye but I really have nothing else to say even though I wanna keep talking to you. if you even care. Goodbye for Now Space Cowboy. I'll see you soon. Hopefully.